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Accept the New Normal

Our lives are constantly in flux, and that isn’t easy for most of us. The earth, technology, our families, as well as our bodies and minds age and change, and we must adapt to these new normals.

If we get stuck in mourning the loss of how things were, we become bitter and depressed. Striving to remain in the present is key to appreciating what is happening at the moment and enjoying the gift of life.

Following is an excerpt from my book, β€œInspired Caregiving. Weekly Morale Builders,” that contemplates change.


Accept the New Normal

Photo: Chameleon, Maui, Hawaii

The world keeps changing; but God, you never change. You are my everlasting constant source of love, support, and guidance.

Change is inevitable, especially when dealing with a progressive illness. The challenge is adapting to and learning how to deal with those changes. Try to remain in the present, deal with the most immediate needs first, and don’t worry about what might not ever happen. Mourning the loss of a wonderful past is natural and healthy, but we also need to find happiness in what remains.

I accept the waves of change and give thanks for what I had, as well as what I have at this time.

With a dish towel in your left hand, put it over your left shoulder and behind your back. With your right hand, reach up your back, grasp the dish towel, and hold on to it. Breathe in and out slowly for five counts.

Switch your hands by reaching your right hand with the dish towel over your right shoulder and behind your back. Reach up your back with your left hand, grasp the dish towel, and hold on to it. Breathe in and out slowly for five counts.

Think about the joys in your life at this moment in time. Focus on them as one day those blessings too may be gone.

β€œThe world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein

β€œJust when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.” George Carlin


Photo of chameleon by Mary K. Doyle

Care for yourself so you’re able to care for others.

Responses to “Accept the New Normal”

  1. Maranda

    Uplifting and inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Maranda.

  2. KK

    A beautiful write-up! So motivating!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you!

  3. Pooja G

    Life is filled with changes and we need to accept that. Really great post.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Pooja. I know how many comments you need to address. I appreciate you taking the time to comment here.

      1. Pooja G

        It’s my pleasure, I always enjoy your posts.

  4. Dorothy’s New Vintage Kitchen

    Very nicely done!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Dorothy.

  5. Nancy Homlitas

    I love this powerful excerpt from your book: “Mourning the loss of a wonderful past is natural and healthy, but we also need to find happiness in what remains.”

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Nancy. I appreciate your compliment but also the input.

  6. Angela

    I lije tge quote of Albert Einstein. It’s so true. Our thoughts are very powerful.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Angela. I appreciate that you commented.

      1. Angela


      2. Angela

        OMG! I just noticed that I did couple mistakes. 🀦 Typos. This autocorrector just drives me nuts. Sorry

      3. Mary K. Doyle

        No worries! I got the message. All the best to you, Angela.

      4. Angela

        Have a great weekend 😊

  7. Wholeness Chronicles

    Very Inspiring and heartfelt. Bless you.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      And bless you! Thank you for commenting.

  8. Lana

    Praise God HE never changes! πŸ˜€

  9. Jodine Sinclair

    Very motivating and

  10. Jodine Sinclair

    Very motivating and inspiring

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you.

  11. Awakening Wonders

    This is so good – “Think about the joys in your life at this moment in time. Focus on them as one day those blessings too may be gone.”

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Mary. I’ve learned the hard way to appreciate today’s gifts before they vanish.

  12. Mthobisi Magagula

    Amazing and encouraging blog post my friend Mary. Indeed the world keeps changing, the axes change, the times have changed and we have to adopt and harness to AI which is Artificial Intelligence that is currently the way towards digital economy where we are right now.

    Anyways, enough business talk, I agree that God never changes, he is the same today, tomorrow and forever. Take careπŸ’–πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ™

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Mthobisi. I appreciate that you took the time to read the post and comment. Blessings.

  13. mistermaxxx08

    Very soulful and moving, Very down to earth. You are a deep spirit. You are appreciated and blessed

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you for your support, Mister Maxx. Have the very best day.

      1. mistermaxxx08

        always glad to hear from you and always am moved by your words, the best day to you

      2. Mary K. Doyle

        And you as well, Mister Maxx.

      3. mistermaxxx08

        I welcome conversation anytime from you. Peace

  14. Amy

    Thank you for sharing your insights! πŸ’–

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Amy.

  15. Mazhar Hussain

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  16. Jungian interpreted empowering stories and legends

    […] Accept the New Normal […]

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