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Duck for the Goose

Question: Has a goose ever landed on your head?

I didn’t think so. I doubt that it is a common occurrence. But it recently happened to me. No joke. Go ahead and laugh. At the time, I didn’t think it was funny.

I was leaving a funeral luncheon and searching for my car, which is a common occurrence. A goose walked up to me, checked me out, and then flew so close that I ducked. (Think of the children’s game, Duck, Duck, Goose.)

But instead of flying overhead, the massive bird landed on my head. Its giant webbed feet grasped my skull like a tight-fitting hat.

The creature was bigger and heavier than I’d ever imagined. Do you know that geese can weigh as much as 20 pounds?

I screamed and shook my head until the goose flew down to the ground. I looked at it straight in its eyes and sternly said, “That wasn’t nice. Humans don’t like geese landing on their heads. Now, you stay here. I have to find my car.”

The goose didn’t respond. It stood there so innocently. I walked away while rubbing my head and checking for poop. In retrospect, I think I hurt its feelings, and that makes me sad–a little.

The first thing I did when I returned home was to shower off goose germs. Then, I Googled “goose landing on head” and got a few answers. This is what I learned.

  1. The bird was defending a nearby nest or its territory. —I don’t think that was the case since we were in the middle of a parking lot and the goose didn’t own a car.
  2. Any bird landing on your head is good luck. Even better if it poops on you. —Hmmmmm. I’ll take a pass on wishing for bird poop streaming down my face.
  3. He wants to be with you. —-Well, normally, I would enjoy the bird’s company, just not landing on me.
  4. Geese symbolize positivity because of their lasting bonds as they mate for life. They are a sign of confidence and give a sense of safety. —I didn’t feel unsafe, but I would rather not wear a goose on my head. Nor am I flattered if it wanted to partner with me.

You may remember that I wrote a poem about geese last week. I wonder if that poem foreshadowed this landing.

At any rate, please comment. I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you had a similar experience.

*Photo by Mary K. Doyle. The photo with this post is not of THE goose. No one was available to take a photo of that one. I think if anyone saw the event, they would have said something.

**Prayer helps. Young in the Spirit, Grieving with Mary, The Rosary Prayer by Prayer, Fatima at 100. Fatima Today.

Responses to “Duck for the Goose”

  1. Dorothy’s New Vintage Kitchen

    I think it read your poem Mary!
    Still laughing at the thought of you standing there chastising the befuddled creature.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hahaha. Thank you, Dorothy. I wish I had a witness.

  2. Dawn Pisturino

    I never heard of such a thing! I’m sure it has some great cosmic significance. It probably is a sign of good luck. Funny story!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Crazy! Thank you for commenting, Dawn.

  3. luisa zambrotta

    What a strange experience! I had never heard of such a thing before!🦆🦆🦆

  4. At Sunnyside – Where Truth and Beauty Meet

    Wow – your composure is remarkable, Mary. I would have been screeching like a banshee 😱😱😱

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hahahaha. I’m sure I wasn’t graceful the way I was shaking my head. Thank you for commenting.

  5. Looking for the Light

    Nothing similar but it sounds quite fun!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Fun isn’t exactly how I’d describe it, but it sure was strange.

      1. Looking for the Light

        strange for sure!

  6. Ronit Penso Tasty Eats

    I used to live in an area with lots of ducks and geese, but none ended on my head! What an extraordinary experience! 🙂

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Lucky for you, Ronit! Thank you for commenting.

  7. KK

    It’s a good omen, Mary. Enjoy it. Lovely pic too.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Kaushal. I hope it is a good omen. I appreciate the encouragement.

  8. Rosaliene Bacchus

    Wow, Mary, I’ve never heard of a goose landing on someone’s head. So glad that you didn’t come to any harm. I lived for several years with a neighbor who reared geese in our shared backyard. I was attacked on two occasions when I came home to find them running free in the front yard.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Rosaliene. I know they can be aggressive. Fortunately, this one was just – friendly???????

  9. Under the mask..

    Mary, I don’t think geese even do that to one another! Lucky YOU!😊 I myself attract bumblebees, praying mantises, and crazy sailors in port (albeit a whiiiile ago). I have had some unique encounters with the wild.. a young Coopers hawk, baby bluejay, baby robin, young raccoon, a young fox. I’ve since read that when the juvenile is booted from the nest but hasn’t yet established himself anywhere, it will (having too little fear, still) buddy up in its baffling lonesomeness to any creature that seems friendly. It makes sense; maybe your goose was a youngster, (badly!) navigating its new status.🌷

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Well, Carol, the weight of it didn’t feel like a young one. But I don’t know. You’ve had much cooler experiences.

  10. Cindy Georgakas

    omigosh Mary. that’s horrible. My husband had a hawk land on his head and we were certain it was his mother telling him to get a haircut .. lol😂

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hahaha. I can see my mother doing that! Thank you, Cindy.

  11. sandyroybessandbugzy

    Ah, sorry about that, Mary, but you did make me laugh!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Glad I made you laugh, Sandy. It was ridiculous.

      1. sandyroybessandbugzy

        I bet! Memorable! In Saint Yves, I had a seagul take a cornish pasty out from between my fingers and my mouth. I didn’t feel much except for a small scratch on my chin. Characterful creatures!

  12. mistermaxxx08

    twisted and comical all at once, BTW are you on Facebook or instagram so I cal tell you about what I was talking about? that whole thing was twisted about what you experienced. a bird landed on a buddy of mine back in the day and the bird did its business

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      0000000. Glad it didn’t poop on me. I’m on Facebook, if you want to message me. Mary K. Doyle

      1. mistermaxxx08

        I’ve reached out and we will talk soon when time permits for you. peace and glad it didn’t get you

  13. Nancy Homlitas

    If there weren’t any other geese around, maybe your goose friend lost its mate. I saw a lone goose in a plaza parking lot hanging out with seagulls for a week or so. 🙂

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Who knows. I wish he could have explained himself. Thanks, Nancy.

  14. Monkey’s Tale

    Sorry for laughing at your predicament. I’ll be honest, I didn’t laugh as much at the incident as I did at your googling results – you have a Canada Goose mate for life. Best not return to that parking lot again 🙂 Maggie

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      I know. Believe it or not, I have another funeral today and will be back there for the luncheon. I’m going incognito.

      1. Monkey’s Tale

        Good luck!

  15. Lucy Rebecca

    What a strange experience! Is is terrible that I found this a little funny? Thanks for sharing and brightening my day!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hahahaha. It was ridiculous, Lucy. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m happy to have brightened your day.

  16. Maranda

    Oh my! That would terrify me! They can be mean anyway!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      I was lucky that it wasn’t in a bad mood, just a crazy one.

  17. Pooja G

    Oh wow, that’s such a crazy experience. I would have been so scared. Birds are so random sometimes.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thanks, Pooja. You never know what happens with wildlife. If only I knew what that goose was thinking.

      1. Pooja G

        Yeah, I wonder why it chose to land on you. That’s so odd.

  18. Michele Lee

    Oh, my goodness! What an experience and coincidence!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      So strange, Michele.

      1. Michele Lee

        Indeed. Quite a story to tell! When I was in middle school, I went on a field trip to San Diego. As part of the oceanography trip, we took a fishing boat out. It was a windy wavy day… I got seasick. While I was passed out a seagull crapped on me. 😂 Talk about adding insult to injury!

      2. Mary K. Doyle

        Oh, no! How rude.

      3. Michele Lee

        No doubt! 🙄 How gross, too.

  19. Priti

    Great experience you had! Beautiful photos well shared thanks 💯

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Priti. It was unusual.

      1. Priti

        But beautiful ❤️

  20. Sue (Mac’s Girl)

    Oh my goodness! What an experience! I’m glad you weren’t hurt. Geese can be very aggresive.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Sue. This one was not aggressive, but I don’t understand why it landed on me.

  21. ecannellaeb63cc576a

    I wonder if anyone saw this? There probably is a camera in the parking garage… LOL

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      I bet you’re right, Erin! I hadn’t thought of this. I’d love to see the video.

  22. belindagroverphotography

    Yikes! I’ve had birds fly in a bit too close but nothing like this 😏

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      I haven’t yet heard anyone else say it happened to them. So weird. Thank you for commenting, Belinda.

  23. Awakening Wonders

    This is my favorite – “Any bird landing on your head is good luck.”!!!!😊

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hahaha. So Mary, do would you like one on YOUR head?

      1. Awakening Wonders

        I have been very blessed in life, but if a bird does land on me, I know I will be extra blessed!

      2. Mary K. Doyle

        Hahaha. I think we say things like this to make us feel better, Mary. Like rain on your wedding day is good luck.

  24. Lively Life

    Oh the things you can learn from an unexpected occurrence!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      It was certainly unusual. Thank you for joining in.

  25. MsHazyBrain

    Great picture, ever heard of this but must sense goodness in you

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you for commenting. Have a great day.

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