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Peace and Prayer

Do you think peace is possible?

Today, May 13th begins the anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. In May 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal over a six-month period. Mary gave the children a series of messages on how to obtain peace. World War I was in progress, and Mary warned that if we didn’t change our ways, we would find ourselves in greater conflict. 

Basically, Mary’s message was for our need to grow closer to God and follow the loving and inclusive ways of her son, Jesus. This can be achieved by treating everyone and everything around us with love and respect.

Just as important, Mary said that our actions would become more loving, caring, and just toward one another if we prayed/communicated with God. Our prayers and acts of kindness would result in peace.

Following are excerpts from a little book I wrote on Mary’s messages in Fatima. The messages were given 157 years ago, but they are as relevant today as they were then.


“Throughout history, some level of unrest has existed. Since the creation of humanity and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, we’ve argued our differences, often to extreme outcomes. No one can deny that any pockets of peace our planet is currently experiencing are isolated and fragile. . .

The Virgin Mary says it doesn’t have to be this way. World peace is possible and Mary explained how it could be achieved a century ago. She clearly spelled out a plan in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal through a series of apparitions to three young shepherd children: ten-year-old Lucia dos Santos, nine-year-old Francisco Marto, and seven-year-old Jacinta Marto . . .

The Fatima message centers on prayer. We are instructed to pray–for and about everything–all the time. We pray to worship, ask for blessings, give thanks, and ask forgiveness. We go to God with our every thought.

This is how we communicate with the Lord. We talk and listen from our heart. Like our communications with our closest earthly friends, the more we are together and talk, the more we have to say and the closer we become. We can carry on this type of conversation with the Lord in our own words–remembering to stop and listen as well as speak. . .

When uncertain how to pray, say the Our Father. Everything is covered in the prayer that Jesus taught us (See Matthew 6:7-13). It’s a prayer that gives glory to God, recognizes God as supreme over heaven and earth, and asks for everything we need to be provided, forgiveness for our failings, and protection from evil. That prayer alone covers the entire gamut of possible prayer topics with the exception of giving thanks for all we have.

Peace comes with the realization that we live in the midst of God. If we pray without ceasing, God will be visible to us in everyone and everything. We will be one with God and one another.” – Excerpts from Fatima at 100. Fatima Today

*Photo and excerpts by Mary K. Doyle

**You also may be interested in Grieving with Mary, Young in the Spirit, and The Rosary Prayer by Prayer.

Responses to “Peace and Prayer”

  1. Rachel

    True peace is only possible through our Lord. Thanks for sharing 💕💕

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Yes, so true, Rachel. Thank you for affirming.

      1. ravishekharu


  2. luisa zambrotta

    Thank you for a beautiful and thought-provoking post

    My experience when I went to Fatima was truly wonderful

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Mine too, Luisa. And I received some powerful answers to prayers.

      1. luisa zambrotta

        I believe in the power of prayers very much , too

  3. Nancy Homlitas

    Thank you for your reflections on the Fatima apparitions and message about prayer. It’s difficult to believe it has been over a hundred years! 🙂

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Right? We grew up with the Fatima story.

      1. Nancy Homlitas

        Same here!

  4. Looking for the Light


  5. restlessjo

    If everyone did this then it would surely be possible, Mary. 🤗🩷

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      So true, Jo.

  6. Pooja G

    So interesting, this is my first time reading about the Fatima apparitions.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you for reading this, Pooja. Every apparition held significant information. I’ve gone on several pilgrimages to Marian sites. Each time, I received incredible personal miracles. Ask and you will receive.

  7. Destiny

    my first time too, reading about Fatima apparitions…. intriguing. Thank you for this share, Mary 🙏🤍

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you for reading this, Destiny. It was an important message at the time that still applies. We’ve been given a peace plan but don’t listen.

      1. Destiny

        my pleasure, Mary… and so well said to peace🙏🌷

  8. announcer

    Nice article. As for peace, looking at the state of the world today, it cannot be said that it is very possible.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      So sad that we can’t get beyond our antiquated thinking. Thank you for your input.

  9. Michele Lee

    A wonderful and inspiring story. I believe children have a special connection with God and are often abundant with hope, so fitting messengers they are.

    1. ravishekharu


      1. Mary K. Doyle

        Thank you for saying hello.

      2. ravishekharu


      3. ravishekharu

        from which country are you?

    2. Mary K. Doyle

      You’re right about that, Michele. Children don’t insert their own interpretation or agenda in the message.

      1. Michele Lee

        Beautiful extended thoughts, Mary.

  10. ravishekharu


  11. mistermaxxx08

    Very distinctive and inspirational as always and peace has to override a culture whom values destruction and conquer. I applaud you and your soul. Peace and respect blessings you are wise

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      You are right about having to override a culture that values destruction and conquering, Mister Maxxx. I think we humans have always been this way. Do you think we will ever learn?

  12. mistermaxxx08

    As long as war, Racism, poverty and looking down on others is seen as acceptable behaviour than no. The technology we have is a hundred years old. Sadly Man thinks like a caveman and is only 10 years old and refuses to share or grow up. Society coddles this mindset where ignorance is bliss.

    Divide to conquer mettle and deprive is allowed as law. Remember every law on the books in America were used as legal once upon a time. A country built off Slavery and oppression is not spiritually fulfilled

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Very profound, and very sad.

      1. mistermaxxx08

        History is for all to see and it’s alive and well. The constitution and Bill of rights and the voting rights. CIVIL rights. Women’s rights and its all to read. The sad part History repeats itself and people tend to except certain behaviour as the normal. I see Donald Trump and Joe Biden as the same person and you see how they channel said agendas. There is nothing to vote for. Its deeper than that

  13. Joseph Glidden

    A path to peace?

    My first thought was, what if everyone imagined that everyone they met had the power of an all-powerful God and behaved accordingly?

    Alternatively, what if that person was your child?

    I guess it boils down to love and respect for one another.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      You’re absolutely right, Joseph. See God in all creation and love and appreciate each other. Maybe, some day.

  14. SiriusSea

    Amen !! New follower and I had to comment on what a beautiful testament written, Mary of God’s good work !! Love to you and yours !!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Hello and welcome, SiriusSea. Thank you for commenting. It’s good to see you here.

  15. Dawn Pisturino

    I have always loved the story and message of Fatima.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      It certainly is an important message. I’m happy it is important to you, as well, Dawn.

  16. Peace and Prayer – 𝕀𝕟-𝕁𝕠𝕓

    […] Peace and Prayer […]

  17. Christian Talk With Georgios Mitrakos

    Great post Mary!!

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Georgios.